Useful Information
Ways to Save Water 
Dish Washing | Washing Machines | In the Garden | Outside the Home | Inside the Home
Dish Washing
  • When washing dishes by hand use a plug in the sink and avoid running taps as they waste water.
  • When using a dish washer wait for a full load.
  • Try to run the most conservative cycle on your washing machine for the style of load.
  • When purchasing a new dish washer look for one with a higher number of water rating stars. A 3 star/AAA rated washing machine uses 18 litres of water per load compared to older machines that consume up to 40 litres for the equivalent load.
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Washing Machines
  • Set the water level on the washing machine according to the particular load you are about to wash.
  • Try to delay washing until you have a full load.
  • When purchasing a new washing machine look for front loader models. Front loaders tend to use 35% less water then equivalent top loader models.
  • When purchasing a new washing machine look for one with a higher number of water rating stars.
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In the Garden
* Check local regulations for watering restrictions as regulations vary between states and municipalities
  • Drip irrigation systems can greatly reduce your water requirements as they target the plant roots directly and there is almost no loss in evaporation if proper cover is provided.
  • Micro sprinklers are more efficient than watering with a hose however they are less efficient than drip irrigation.
  • Try to avoid irrigating in the hotter periods of the day to reduce evaporative loses.
  • If using a hose, use a trigger nozzle to help conserve water.
  • If using a hose to water, water directly at the roots rather then the leaves and flowers of plants.
  • Plant your garden with the species of Australian natives that require less water. It is a common misunderstanding that all Australian natives are drought tolerant.
  • When planting, group plants with similar watering needs together.
  • Use deep mulch to help retain moisture and reduce lost water due to evaporation.
  • Test the ground before watering. The top may be dry but the soil underneath may still be moist. If that is the case try to delay watering.
  • Watering a garden for longer periods but less frequently helps to promote deeper root growth and hardier, healthier drought tolerant plants.
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Outside the Home
* Check local regulations for water restrictions as regulations vary between states and municipalities
  • A pool cover will drastically reduce the amount of water lost due to evaporation. Up to half the pools water can be lost in a year due to evaporation.
  • When washing the car, park it on the lawn and use biodegradable soaps. Watering the lawn as you wash your car.
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Inside the Home
  • Take a shorter shower. A non low-flow shower can consume 1.5 buckets of water every minute.
  • Turn the tap off while brushing your teeth. Leaving the tap running can consume 1 bucket of water every 2 minutes.
  • Try to avoid rinsing your razor under running water. Rinse your razor in a little water in the sink.
  • Install dual flush toilets. Dual flush cisterns flush at 3 and 6 litres of water. Older cisterns flush up to 12 litres of water.
  • Apply a little food colouring to the toilet cistern and watch for the colour entering the bowl. If it does then there is a leak in the toilet. Fixing a leaking toilet can save up to 60,000 litres per year.
  • Check for leaking taps, pipes and dishwasher hoses. One slow leak can waste 24,000 litres per year.
  • Install low-flow shower heads and aerators in taps to reduce the amount of water used. 3 star/AAA rated shower heads save 10 litres per minute.
  • When buying new appliances, look for appliances with the higher water rating stars.
  • Most of the water used inside a home is used while taking a shower. Limiting yourself to shorter showers as well as turning off the shower while you lather yourself will help you save considerable water.
  • Use visual tools like charts and graphs to make water savings fun for children.
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